Automation for assembly systems
WHEN IT COMES TO INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGY, WE’RE IN A LEAGUE OF OUR OWNAt Abele Ingenieure, we harness the technologies behind digitalization, Industry 4.0, smart manufacturing, the Internet of Things (IoT) as well as circular economy to optimize assembly and production lines for maximum productivity, plant efficiency, and quality.
We simplify complex processes and leverage our proven applications to deliver commercially sound and technologically advanced plants and equipment both for new autonomous systems and – through carefully tailored integration – for existing systems, too.
Creating added value – together
- Rotary tables, linear and conveyor systems
- Robot integration
- Buffer systems
- Assembly of mini and micro parts
- Industrial vision (2D and 3D optical control)
- Blister, tray and tube packaging
- Labeling / pad printing / inkjet printing / laser marking
- Traceability (MDC/PDC/QDC)